The promised land of a certian SNS...

G+Don is the web app for Mastodon.
By effectively using design and functionality of the material design, you can use fun Mastodon some SNS wind like.

G+Don user Mastodon user Mastodon first one also Feature Trailer Archive Viewer
Your language ? {? it.name ?}

Already G+Don user You can enter from the blue button at the top. Restore the account from Google Drive Clear browser caches help Help settings Settings

(*) This application uses the cookie (_gp_logined, _gp_lang). (The other key is a system specific key)
(*) It is recommended that you bookmark (favorite) in the Timeline and dashboards.

If you have a Mastodon account  You must have a user registered somewhere in the Mastodon server. send

(*) Please log in the mastodon server to connect to. After you log in, you can return to this application.
(*) Please note that some of the mastodon server does not have the permission of the external application.
(*) Please do not enter an username.(example: hoge@mstdn.jp -> mstdn.jp)

If you do not yet have a Mastodon account

Let's looking for in the above sites!
Or G+Don server page

Multiple accounts and multiple Mastodon server!
I recommend to people with multiple your user account of the Mastodon. You can manage an easy-to-understand in this app!
Easy to see the text and media (images, videos)!
You should was hard to look at the long sentence and media is the default display of Mastodon. Here it will be seen to relax.
Timeline is not a single road!
It is not only flows in one straight road from top to bottom as Twitter. Many also posts will have jumped the crowdedly the screen as the SNS, such as Instagram!
PC, tablet, smartphones!
This is available from the web browser. Therefore in any environment it supports. (Recommended is the large screen of more tablet)
You may smoothly can be migrated from one SNS! ?
This is to respect the SNS there and was easy to use. Therefore, for the people who have utilized the SNS you will be able to smoothly immigration.
It does not mean that a new SNS!
G+Don is not a new SNS. Merely a web app for Mastodon. However, we <b>propose a new use to Mastodon</b>!
Of course free!
Use conditions because it is in accordance with the Mastodon, as long as there are no unexpected events in the development team is much more free!
G+Don ログインデモンストレーション2 G+Donは使ったことがなく、マストドンアカウントをお持ちの方向けの動画です。 G+Don ログインデモンストレーション3 G+Donで利用しているマストドンアカウントをGoogleドライブに保存する機能の紹介動画です。 G+Don ログインデモンストレーション4 G+Donを別の端末でも利用したい方向けの動画です。Googleドライブから復元する手順を紹介しています。
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